COPEAM keeps working on gender equality in the media

In 2013, while drafting the final report on the results on GSIM implementation, COPEAM was invited to share its experience on this issue on two occasions: in a dedicated workshop within the Algerian broadcaster EPTV and in a conference in Pristine organized by the Women Media Centre.

In December 2013, COPEAM took part, through its Secretary General and as a partner of the event, in the UNESCO Global Forum on Media and Gender, gathering in Bangkok more than 200 delegates from over 80 countries, among which representatives of Broadcasting Unions from all over the world. Building on the discussions around gender mainstreaming in the media and, namely, in Public Service Broadcasters, a Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMG) was created – made of representatives of media organizations and professionals, policy-makers, civil society, development agencies – with the aim of achieving, through a specific Action Plan, gender equality in media systems, structures and contents, and promoting citizens’ media dialogue as a means to ensure women’s freedom of expression, empowerment and full participation in society. This is an important follow-up to one of the critical areas of concern of the Beijing Declaration as well as of the Platform for Action “Women and the Media Diagnosis” and its strategic objectives. COPEAM is currently planning further activities in relation to the Alliance Action Plan.