Tirana: UNESCO-COPEAM second seminar on gender mainstreaming

On 27-28 May, the second seminar on the adaptation of UNESCO Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM) took place in Tirana. Organized by COPEAM and hosted by the Albanian public broadcaster – RTSH, the workshop focused on the female presence and role within the organization.
A group of TV and radio professionals worked on a critical analysis of the GSIM and adapted them to the RTSH context to carry out an evaluation of internal policies and practices on gender equality.
As a result of this activity, the working group will elaborate proposals and recommendations aiming to improve the critical situations identified during the evaluation phase, that will be presented by COPEAM to UNESCO and RTSH.
The workshop in Tirana follows the one held in January 2013 in Rabat, organized in collaboration with the Moroccan public broadcaster SNRT. Similar activities, always coordinated by COPEAM, will be held in other public broadcasters in the Mediterranean region.