30th ANNIVERSARY OF UNEP/MAP Environment and media
On June 2005, the United Nations Programme for the Environment / Mediterranean Action Plan
(UNEP/MAP) celebrated in Rome, within the charming context of Villa Piccolomini, its 30th
anniversary. For this occasion, many initiatives have been organised during the event – international
meetings, video projections, etc. – all devoted to ecological and environmental topics.
COPEAM has given its contribution to this initiative at different levels, confirming its role of promoter
of cultural interactions within the Mediterranean basin, following the spirit of cooperation that inspired its By-Laws and activities since itsorigins, and…
The Representation of the European Commission in Spain organised, the 30th June and the 1st July 2005 in Madrid, in collaboration with the European Parliament, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affaires and of Cooperation and other international organisations and associations – among which, the Charter of the Mediterranean and the Foundation of the Three Cultures – a working seminar concerning the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
The meeting – that marks the first step of a wider programme of initiatives envisaged until next November and conceived for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Barcelona Process –
The participants in this meeting, focused on the topic “Recognizing the Other”, who met on the 17th and 18th June 2005 in Seville on the invitation of the Foundation of the Three Cultures – promoter of the event together with COPEAM and CICC – have drawn up a final document where they point out the importance of relaunching the Barcelona Process and, in particular, the necessity of carrying on the engagement for the defence of the “culture Chapter” as an essential element for the development of the EUROMED Partnership.
In particular, considering the new multiethnic and multicultural pattern…
Seville Charter
This Charter does not intend to lay down normative rules, limit the freedom of expression, or influence the editorial lines of the media. Aware of the risks of misleading the act of informing by means of practices aimed at conditioning opinions, with this Charter the signatory media intend to:
– assert their willingness to privilege an open information that integrates the patrimony and specificity of the cultural heritage of each one, within a framework of respect, tolerance and dialogue;
– comply…
In the framework of the 7th edition of "Mediterraneo senza frontiere", the second international meeting “Which tools for a common migration policy within the Mediterranean?" – organized by the Social Policies Department of the Regional Province of Agrigento, Metamorfosi (members of COPEAM) and CICC – International Centre of Cultural Co-operation and devoted to the immigration phenomenon – took place on 5th March 2005, in Agrigento (Italy). During the three round tables, gathering representatives of Southern Europe and Mediterranean associations and institutions, the challenges and the problems dealing with migration dynamics and integration have been analyzed. The concrete proposals and…
ASBU/UER/COPEAM tripartite meeting 2004
The annual tripartite meeting ASBU/EBU/COPEAM has been held in Algiers, on the 22th December 2004. This meeting, convened for the third consecutive year, at the end of the General Assembly of ASBU (Arab States Broadcasters Union), was the occasion for evaluating the results of the actions shared by the three sister Associations.Among the topics discussed, the ERN-Med exchange: it has been underlined that the quantitative increase of the exchanges (1.117 subjects in 2004; 1.101 in 2003) has been accompanied by a qualitative improvement; training actions: procedures aimed at spreading systematically information concerning training projects and programmes of the three Associations…
« To know each other and to recognize each other, for a new reception policy »
20th –22nd February 2004 (Agrigento, Sicily)
International meeting devoted to the issue of immigration within the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Promoters: Social Policies Department of the Regional Province of Agrigento and COPEAM
Description: The seminar has been structured into two Round Tables. The first one – focused on the cultural integration and the mutual knowledge between the different peoples and cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean area – gathered a number of experts in social policies and in…