From the 14th to the 18th December, COPEAM and the ASBU Training Centre of Damascus will organise the 4th edition of the “TV formats writing and production” training session.

It will gather a restricted group of professionals coming from the Programmes Units of COPEAM and ASBU television members and will be assured, as for the past editions, by Mr. Paolo Taggi, Italian TV author and university professor.

The 5-day didactic plan includes both theoretical and practical modules. The session intends to apply a product-oriented approach, focused on the viewing and the analysis of international programmes and aimed at providing the trainees with practical/operational methods useful to concretely create new successful formats.

As discussed on the occasion of the last meeting of COPEAM broadcasters' Directors of Programmes (Specchia, Italy – 27 July 2008) and according to the concrete indications that have come out, the 2008 edition of the seminar will be focused on the concrete conception and writing of a TV entertainment programme addressed to young people, to be presented to the broadcaster partners.

This will make this original training project - able to gather professionals from the whole region - a laboratory of creation of a new and shared Mediterranean TV programme, and will provide each participant with the methods and tools to realise autonomously a successful TV product.

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