Med-Mem : Audiovisual Mediterranean Memories

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from December 16, 2009 @ 10:27:20. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Amman (Jordan), 11th November 2009

On November 11th 2009, all partners and associates of Med-Mem will meet in Amman (Jordan), at the 2nd coordination meeting of the project , organized by the Jordanian TV (JRTV).
On that occasion, an assessment about the state of art of the project various ascpects will be done, focusing particularly on the construction of the Back Office of Med-Mem website, on the system software of the digitization stations and on the activities of promotion and best practices'.
Each partner will present the work done and to be achieved referring to the activity it is in charge of.

A focus on the editorial line of Med-Mem will be made in order to harmonize the selection of the audiovisual documents by the archives' holders and to establish a common and efficient practice specific to Med-Mem project. General aspects of management, communication and visibility will also be debated.