Med-Mem : Audiovisual Mediterranean Memories

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Marseille, 25-27 February 2009

Three work-days - from February 25th to 27th - at the headquarters of INA (project leader) in Marseille have marked the official launch of the Med-Mem project: "Sharing the Mediterranean Audiovisual Memory".
Selected among more than 300 proposals – of which only 12 awarded by the European Commission in the framework of the European Programme Euromed Heritage IV , Med-Mem consists in digitizing, editing and uploading on a dedicated website the Mediterranean audiovisual archives.
The established partnership, grouping 18 organisations from 12 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean zone among which 10 public televisions, will cooperate during the next three years so to get the common objectives of this action: the preservation, the valorisation of the Mediterranean heritage and its widest access by the audiences.
After a preliminary meeting open only to the consortium members - INA, COPEAM, EPTV, RAI, JRTV, SNRT – and focused on the definition of the relevant roles and on the analysis of the operational aspects to be implemented, the second day has recorded the attendance of about 40 professionals from the different INA departments working on such initiative and from the following associated organisations : EBU, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, MMSH, Uninettuno, ERT, ERTU, HRT, IBA for the project activities presentation. The representative of the RMSU, Regional Monitoring and Support Unit of EH IV Programme, have taken part in the meeting as well.
During the last day, the setting up of the website preliminary layout has been envisaged for its presentation during the annual Conference of COPEAM , next April in Cairo, where the partners will meet again.