Med-Mem : Audiovisual Mediterranean Memories

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from October 22, 2010 @ 17:51:40. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

COPEAM and INA announce that is now available online the demonstration of the future
Med-Mem web site (, tool of information about the material and immaterial
Mediterranean heritage.

This web site will guarantee the access of the general public to the Mediterranean audiovisual heritage, while ensuring its safeguard. The search of documents, presented together with thematic dossiers, will be possible by keyword, by subject, by cartographic access, by chronological fresco and by archives holders’ collection.

This first concrete result is the outcome of a process of collaboration between all the partners and associates of the project, based on regular exchanges and meetings. On 11th November 2009, the Jordanian television – JRTV hosted in Amman the 2nd coordination meeting.
On the occasion of the 17th Annual Conference of COPEAM, held in Paris in April 2010, the med-Mem partners and associates met in order to assess the work carried out by each one. Particularly, this meeting was the occasion to present the latest audiovisual contributions, the new version of both the Back Office and the Front Office and to advance in designing the juridical guide and the safeguard manual.

Joining Med-Mem is now possible for interested archives’ holders as well as for cultural and educational organizations which will facilitate the access to the web site by promoting its dissemination.

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