Med-Mem : Audiovisual Mediterranean Memories

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from February 10, 2012 @ 10:56:26. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

The project third year saw the partners and associates' commitment considerably increasing in order to meet the set objectives, particularly as for the indexation and digitization of the archives' documents devoted to feed the “Med-Mem” website, which will be officially launched during 2012.

Other archive holders have joined the project in 2011 - ASTRAM (France), CyBC (Cyprus), SOREAD 2M (Morocco), Télévision Tunisienne (Tunisia), TV3-Televisió de Catalunya - what will further enhance “Med-Mem” collection thanks to a greater representativeness of the Euro-Mediterranean audiovisual heritage.

The communication and visibility activity was strengthened thanks to the realisation of new tools, as well as a "communication kit", distributed to both partners and associates in order to facilitate the project promotion notably on their respective websites, through dedicated sections.

The selection of a number of authors from the two Mediterranean shores allowed the start up of the project editorial activity, consisting in drawing up in-depth editorial contents on some on-line documents which will enrich “Med-Mem” website.

Finally the request for the project extension was accepted by the EU Delegation in Rabat on the 31 January 2012.