
You are viewing an old revision of this post, from November 30, 2009 @ 12:26:45. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Beirut (Lebanon), 29th - 30th September 2009

On September 29th, Télé-Liban hosted in Beirut the 2nd Steering Committee of the Euromed-News project.At the presence of Ms. Chrystelle Lucas from the European Commission, and joined by a new television(ERTU/Egypt), the representatives of the partner organizations have established a mid-termassessment of the project after six months of common work, and have planned the next steps of activity.

Following this meeting, a press conference - broadcast live by TV-Lebanon - was held at the Hotel Bristol with the participation of major Lebanese newspapers and correspondents of Arab and European media and different channels, as RAI and France24.

Press revue:

L'Orient le jour,1st October 2009

As Safir, 1st October 2009

An Nahar, 1st October 2009

These two events have followed previous meetings between the partners as the last Steering Committee held in Rome June 22, 2009 and a week later, the first documentary workshop that allowed television information officers participating in the project to meet during 3 days at ASBU headquarters in Tunis, about sources research and methods of writing scenarios.

On July 25, news coordinators that are members of the Regional Program ERN-Med met in Rabat (Morocco) thanks to SNRT invitation with the aim of strengthening the process of news exchange via satellite between Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Libya.

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