COPEAM presents to the Council of Europe the project for a new Master on « Global Journalism »

COPEAM has been invited by the Council of Europe (Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport General Direction – Coordination for the Intercultural Dialogue) to take part in the meeting of experts devoted to “Training of journalists in intercultural competencies”.

Held in Paris on the 10th June 2008, the meeting has gathered representatives of important European institutes for journalism training. Indeed, the meeting was organised with the aim of exchanging good practices and proposing projects in the field of Journalism training for diversity, one of the axis of the Council of Europe Campaign against the discriminations “All different – all equal”.

Together with professional training, the campaign aims at implementing activities in order to promote equal access to the media industry and to encourage the media to spread out information on discrimination and on anti-discrimination mechanisms to the general public. COPEAM has presented its project of Master in “Global Journalism” whose innovating formula has been praised by participants.
On the 23-24 June, in Lisbon, COPEAM has been invited to participate in the seminar “Media and Cultural diversity”, a new step of the COE’s mentioned Campaign. Mrs. Fifi Benaboud, President of COPEAM Strategic Committee, has represented our Association.