COPEAM has been invited to participate in a European Conference organised in Helsinki (Finland),
on 4th and 5th December, by the Finnish E.U. Presidency and the European Commission (DG
Communication): “EUROpe in VISION - Towards a European Public Sphere: EU, the Media and the New Technologies”. The Secretary General took part as panellist in one of the four main workshops (“New broadcasters, new audience?”) introducing to the E.C. a “threelevel communication strategy” proposal (divulgation, information, institutional).
The main objective of this meeting was to find out how the debate on Europe can be enhanced and
stimulated through audiovisual and new media, so to develop a “European public sphere”, and how
citizens’ opinions can be brought into the public dialogue.
Among the participants, representatives from public, private, national, regional and local TVs,WebTV organisations, journalists, directors of information programmes and news agency managers, members
of European Parliament and European Commission and independent experts of the sector.