COPEAM besides IPEMED for the second edition of the Entretiens de la Méditerranée (Mediterranean Talks)

While the second edition of the Mediterranean Talks, organized by IPEMED, took place in Hammamet (Tunisia) on 25-26 May, COPEAM and IPEMED signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of developing activities particularly related to the transmediterranean professional networks.

The participation of a COPEAM-Tunisian Radio joint delegation in the meeting of Hammamet and the association of COPEAM to this event as media partner represented the first step of this collaboration.

Actually, a promotion of this initiative focused this year on the theme: “For a Common Vision of the Mediterranean: Strategy, Projects & Funding”, is ongoing through specific communication campaigns and the online publication of the contents dealt within that framework.

For more info visit the web site: