Meeting of ERN-Med news’ coordinators

Rome, 19 – 20 March 2015       
A meeting devoted to the ERNMed coordinators was organized by COPEAM and hosted by RAI in Rome, on  the 19 and 20 March 2015.      
After an overview on members’ participation and on statistics showing the regular contribution of the Southern countries and the lack or even the absence of the Northern ones, some main weaknesses were analyzed related to content, to the broadcast feedback  from members, to the lack of personnel dedicated to the exchange.
Proposals were made aiming at fostering this tool of cooperation in the news domain, namely  to monthly  send national outlooks to the coordination center in Algiers, to copy all members for any requests so encouraging the offer demande, to organize an annual meeting on a turnover basis, to boost the Northern TVs involvement and propose new adhesions.               
Among such suggestions, one particularly appealed  the participants attention: the setting up of a prize for the best offer of the year.            
The meeting recommendations were then presented to the News exchange and TV Magazine Commission in Malta, during the COPEAM conference.

Final resolution of the News Exchange & TV mag Commission

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