Terramed Plus

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from November 15, 2012 @ 14:37:57. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

30 weekly episodes have been composed and broadcast. More than 600 programmes have been promoted: on June 3rd, Terramed Plus closed its first promotional season on the satellite channel RaiMed.
Every week, since November 2011, Terramed Plus has been showing the variety of the audiovisual products broadcast by ARTE France, EPTV/Algeria, France Télévisions, RAI/Italy, RTVE/Spain and SNRT/Morocco, by promoting their TV series, dramas, documentaries, movies.
Starting from 12th October 2012, the second promotional season will start with the new episodes of Terramed Plus, each week from Friday to Sunday both on Rainews channel and on the project’s website.

In October, another Terramed Plus goal will be achieved: the opening of www.terramedplus.tv multilingual video-on-demand catalogue, developed by the SNRT. For the first time, internet users will be able to stream free documentaries and fiction films, from the six broadcaster partners, subtitled in Arabic, English and French by EPTV.

A hand-picked selection that will offer to the public a plunge into Mediterranean stories and images.