Inter-Rives III

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Inter Rives III - “The spring of new generations”- is now being accomplished. The 7 TV documentaries of 13’ composing this co-produced series have been recently delivered by the involved directors and completed with the technical and editorial recommendations which were expressed during the 2nd co-production workshop (Tunis-February 2013). This 3rd COPEAM-ASBU coproduction provides an interesting overview of different actions taken by the young generations and aimed at improving the societies they live in. The products will be soon exchanged and ready to be put on air by the partner TVs: EPTV (Algeria), ERTU (Egypt), RAI (Italy), RTVE (Spain), SNRT (Maroc) and Télévision Tunisienne (Tunisia). PAST EDITIONS INTER-RIVES I INTER-RIVES II