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Tunis, 19 February 2009

EuroMed News project has launched its operational phase on February 19th at the headquarters of ASBU (Arab State broadcasting Union), in Tunis, where the Consortium’s partners have met for the first time.

The “Tunis meeting” has allowed to setting the agenda of the first activities. Two information days on the cooperation relationships between the EU and its neighbour countries of the South of the Mediterranean – on which the TV products will be focused – will be held in Cairo aside the Annual Conference of COPEAM.
Two more meetings will be held in June: the first one, that will be held in Tunis, will focus on the documentaries production and co-production while the second one, that will be welcomed by the EPTV in Algiers, will be devoted to an inter-cultural workshop during which the participants will co-produce 4 special episodes of the Euromed News magazine.

For more information on the Euromed News project:
Official website:
Youtube page: