
You are viewing an old revision of this post, from July 16, 2010 @ 18:47:55. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

One year and half after its official launch, Euromed-News is about to achieve its objectives. The general assessment on production, broadcast, news and magazines’ exchange shows satisfying results, as ascertained during the meetings held in the last months: the Steering Committee hosted by the Moroccan Television (SNRT) in Rabat on 24th March - followed by a Press Conference on Gender Equality issues - and the coordination meeting which took place during 2010 COPEAM Conference in Paris.

Before starting the home stretch, Euromed-News’ partners will meet again in Amman on the 6 and 7 July, upon the invitation of the JRTV, in order to make a joint final appraisal of the activities carried out in this framework.
On the same occasion, a closing press conference will be co-organised by the project leader France Télévisions and the Jordanian television to announce the outcomes achieved.