COPEAM and the U.N. Alliance of Civilisations partners for the Plural+ Festival

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COPEAM confirmed its commitment as a partner of the Alliance of Civilisations of the United Nations for the 2012 edition of Plural+ Festival. The initiative, organised by UNAOC in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration and other international partners, is dedicated to youth videos exploring issues related to migration and diversity. 150 videos from 54 countries from around the world competed in the last edition.

PLURAL+ Awards ceremony was held at the Paley Center for Media on the 6th December 2012, in New York.

COPEAM special prize was assigned to the video "Prejudice is a Double Edged Sword” (produced by Centro Culturale Mondo Insieme, Italy) for

“its ability to unveil, through a simple, effective and ironic language, the unfounded nature of prejudice, by changing perspectives and points of view. A "role-playing game" video able to easily make the viewer understand that all stereotypes and prejudices come from the same origin, that is ignorance."

According to a consolidated practice, the winner of COPEAM 2012 prix has been invited to the annual Conference in Cagliari to present the awarded work.

All details about the PLURAL + Video Festival can be found at
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