
You are viewing an old revision of this post, from November 12, 2012 @ 15:54:11. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

On June 5th 2012, the Cross-border Executive Production met in Rome in order to analyse the first synopsis of the docu-mags to be produced and focused on topics related to the environment in the Med Sea basin, which are: sustainable tourism, sustainable fishing, natural reserves and protection of faunal species, junk music, renewable energies, fight against desertification, cleaning up of unhealthy areas.

Among the stories identified for the series in the different countries involved (Cyprus, Egypt, France, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Palestinian Occupied Territories, Spain, Tunisia), RAI, one of the project partners, has shot the first episode in Talamone, Tuscany, telling the bravery of a local fisherman who carried out an innovative project, combining ecological awareness and sustainable tourism: the immersion of concrete blocks, turned into artistic works, on the seabed of that shore to prevent from trawling, which causes an excessive exploitation of fish resources.

Joussour and the activities carried out from September 2011 up to now were presented by COPEAM on July 18th in Rome, in the Mid-Term Regional Conference of the Programme ENPI CBC MED, at the Auditorium della Tecnica, during the “Thematic focus on projects” panel.

A video spot on Joussour, really appreciated by the meeting attendees, was screened in the same occasion

Watch JOUSSOUR promotional video