GAMAG/UNESCO launches a call for a global gender and media agenda

The Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG)was created on the occasion of the UNESCO Global Forum on Media and Gender, held in Bangkok from 2 to 4 December 2013 with the aim of achieving gender equality in media systems, both at structures and contents levels.
The GAMAG brings together over 500 organisations and networks concerned with gender equality in and through the media across the globe. COPEAM has been elected as a member of the International Steering Committee (ISC) of the Alliance 
which met for the first time in Geneva, on 6 November 2014. As member of this Committee, COPEAM took part to this meeting designed to set the Alliance’s priorities and guidelines.
The main areas of intervention identified to address effectively the challenges of promoting gender equality are: research, training and capacity building, communication, mechanisms of content production and professional practices. The commitment of the Alliance in this first phase is to promote and disseminate existing major initiatives on this matter, both regionally and globally.
The Alliance will also be promoting specific measures to ensure that the issue of gender equality in the media will acquire growing importance during the Beijing +20 revision events in the post-2015 debates and the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS)+10.

Visit GAMAG website

The GAMAG used the 59th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) media side event. New York, 13 March, to issue a strong call for the inclusion of specific and measurable global targets and indicators on media, ICTs and their gender dimensions in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Highlights from GAMAG meetings and CSW side event
GAMAG Gender and Media Position paper